2550 South Road

100 Alamosa Co, 81101


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Credentialing is a vital process in the healthcare industry that verifies and validates the qualifications, experience and credentials of healthcare providers. We specialize in healthcare credentialing to ensure that your practice is properly enrolled and credentialed with insurance companies, government agencies and relevant entities. Our dedicated team of experts handles the entire credentialing process, from initial applications to re-credentialing and maintenance. We act as your liaison, communicate with insurance companies and stay updated on regulatory changes to keep your practice compliant.


Credentialing is essential for your practice as it ensures that you meet the necessary requirements to offer services and receive reimbursement from insurance companies. Being properly enrolled and credentialed with insurance panels and other entities is crucial for maintaining smooth operations, expanding your patient base and maximizing revenue potential.

The duration of the credentialing process can vary depending on several factors, including the insurance companies involved and the completeness of the application. On average, it can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. Our team actively follows up and communicates with insurance companies to expedite the process as much as possible.

Yes, re-credentialing is necessary to maintain your credentials and eligibility. Insurance companies require periodic updates and re-verification to ensure that providers continue to meet their quality standards. Our team helps you stay on top of re-credentialing requirements and submits the necessary information in a timely manner to maintain your credentials.

Our team guides you through the process of enrolling with insurance panels. We help you gather the required information, complete the necessary forms and submit them to the relevant insurance companies. We ensure that your practice is included in the networks of insurance companies that are relevant to your specialty and location.

We closely monitor any changes in regulatory requirements and keep your practice informed. Our team ensures that your credentials and documentation are updated accordingly, allowing you to maintain compliance with the evolving healthcare landscape.